The Season of Avoiding Road Accidents

As Phoenix Car Accident lawyers, who work directly with victims of vehicle accidents throughout Arizona, we encourage drivers to remain safe this festive period. After all, this is supposed to be a time for family and friends to celebrate, not for coping with the serious and often deadly consequences of an automobile accident.

Arizona’s Holiday Accident Statistics

Unfortunately, as statistics demonstrate, the period leading up to the holidays can be a hazardous time to be on the road. The Arizona Department of Transportation (DOT) reports that on average, 12 fatal crashes occur during the winter holidays each year.

It should come as no surprise that drunk driving is one of the main causes of these crashes on both a national and state level. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol-related road crashes in the United States increase threefold between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.

According to the NIAAA, during the holiday season, 40 percent of auto accident fatalities include a drunk driver (compared to 31 percent at other times of the year). According to Arizona Department of Transportation records, those percentages are significantly higher: During the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, alcohol is involved in 64% of traffic deaths.

In addition to driving while intoxicated, several other dangers can occur over the holiday season. We can all do our part to mitigate these dangers.

Driving Safety Precautions For The Holidays

Here are a few reminders about what we can all do to improve our road safety during the holidays:

1. Never Drive While Intoxicated

Don’t be fooled: “buzzed” driving is the same as drunk driving. Do not drive if you have consumed any amount of alcohol at a holiday office party, family event, or outing with friends. Also, don’t ride with a drunk driver.

If you are detected driving while inebriated, you will be required to take a breathalyzer test, and if you blow over the legal limit, you will be detained and charged with a DUI. Even if you are not detected, you incur the danger of causing an accident that could result in vehicle damage, personal harm, or injury to other drivers, pedestrians, or bicycles.

There are a number of safe alternatives available, including:

  • Having a designated driver who is sober.
  • I’m going to call a taxi.
  • Take Valley Metro or other public transit.

It is not a safe alternative to drinking and driving to walk home inebriated. Pedestrian accidents in Arizona are common around the holidays. Walking when inebriated is risky due to the same deterioration of motor skills and judgment that makes drunk driving unsafe.

2. Avoid Speeding

You may be rushing to get to a church ceremony, gathering, or other events on time during the holidays. You might be rushing to finish off some last-minute shopping as well. Regardless of how pressed you are, avoid the impulse to accelerate.

When you drive too fast, you run the risk of losing control of your vehicle. It also impairs your ability to respond quickly and avoid collisions. Leaving plenty of time to arrive at your destination is, of course, the best method to minimize your chances of being involved in a speed-related accident.

3. Keep Calm

The holidays may be a difficult time for many people. It’s critical that you don’t let your anxiety affect how you drive through traffic. It might easily escalate to risky, aggressive driving, such as tailgating, rushing to beat stoplights or even road rage.

4. Don’t Drive If You’re Tired

If you’re going to see out-of-town or out-of-state family or friends for the holidays, make sure you plan ahead. Don’t overextend yourself by driving a big distance all at once. After all, the longer you’re on the road, the more likely you are to fall asleep behind the wheel.

It is just as dangerous to drive while fatigued as it is to drive while inebriated. Instead, break up your journey and allow plenty of time to get where you’re going.

5. Don’t Engage On Your Phone

You might be tempted to contact or text friends or relatives while out shopping for gifts. However, do not use your phone while driving. Driving while distracted is extremely risky, especially if you’re trying to navigate through congested highway traffic or regions near malls or other retail complexes.

Phoenix Car Accident Attorneys For Your Assistance

As we enter the holiday season, we hope these suggestions put you in the right state of mind. Please prioritize driving safety. You can never entirely remove your danger of getting injured by a driver who is not as rational and cautious as you are, even if you take all the required precautions.

If you are involved in an automobile accident caused by another driver’s irresponsible or reckless acts, please safeguard your rights by contacting the best Phoenix Car Accident Attorneys.

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